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Creating an app to collaborate with others to upload/download files

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3 commentaires

  • Jayesh Kamdar

    Some more clarification on my question. I believe, I need to get Access Token (not Developer Token) but not clear on how to get that token and how to use it. Any example code would be a great help.

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  • Scott Hurrey

    Just to clarify, you want to create an app that allows users on your Box system to upload and download files from a folder associated with your app?

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  • Jayesh Kamdar

    Yes, that's correct Scott. So, I believe, in order to do that I need to get Access Token for my app, correct? While looking around, I found this page - https://github.com/box/box-python-sdk/blob/main/docs/usage/authentication.md but being new to it, not able to follow fully. 

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