Ara Anderson
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Dernière activité effectuée par Ara Anderson-
Ara Anderson a créé une publication,
incorrect storage amount show, please run script
TerminéeHi, Can you please run a script to correct my storage amount shown (I don't have any files uploaded to my account, so the storage should show 0 of 10GB). Thanks.
Ara Anderson a créé une publication,
incorrect storage amount show, please run script
RéponduHi Box Support, The storage amount shown in my account is incorrect. Can you please run a script to correct this? Thank you.
Ara Anderson a créé une publication,
reclaim storage space
RéponduHi, Could someone please run the script to correct my storage space amount shown? Thank you.
Ara Anderson a créé une publication,
incorrect file count
RéponduHi, can someone please run a script to fix my file count (and possibly file storage amount)? thank you
Ara Anderson a créé une publication,
please run script to correct storage amount
Hi, Can you please run your script so that my storage amount and file counts are accurate? Thank you, Ara