Bryce Smyth
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Dernière activité effectuée par Bryce Smyth-
Bryce Smyth a ajouté un commentaire,
Sadly, I don't think they will ever change this.I truly don't know who can't make this as easy as deciding within settings if you would like this feature active or not.
Bryce Smyth a ajouté un commentaire,
Probably no plans of changing, been months now with multiple post in this forum and they still have yet to change it Gotta love box!
Bryce Smyth a ajouté un commentaire,
I have just made a post regarding this exact same thing, good to hear that our team is not the only one that finds this addition to search very unnecessary
Bryce Smyth a créé une publication,
TerminéeThe addition of the search only in the folder and having to click "everywhere" to change has been a very inconvenient change that I and many co-workers that I also work with that use box has degrad...