Outlook is Constantly asking me to sign I to box, is this spam ???




  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Please be advised that the phone support option is currently available only for Premier and Platinum Service customers. If you are a Personal Box user, the community would be happy to help work with you and provide tips that could resolve your issue. If you are interested in upgrading your account, you can see available plans and reach out to our Sales team here.

    We do not recognize the email address you shared and the domain is also not a Box domain, so you may need to be careful when interacting with this email address.

    To secure your Box account, we strongly recommend resetting your Box password and enabling 2- Factor Authentication following this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697154-Multi-Factor-Authentication-Set-Up-for-Your-Account

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know how else we can help!

    All the Best, 

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