Options for BoxSign Request from inside an iframe




  • France

    Hi Adam, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    I understand you have a question regarding the usage of Box Sign within an iFrame. Please be advised that Box does not support our Box Sign feature and its usage within an iFrame. This is due to security concerns and therefore at this time we cannot guarantee its functionality in an iFrame.

    The user on this post appears to be using Box Sign features via API and for guidance and questions related to APIs, we strongly recommend that you post them in our Developers forum here: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/360001932973-Platform-and-Developer-Forum 

    If you have any product feature request or suggestions, we recommend you post your idea on pulse.box.com for more visibility. Our product team reviews all submissions and will consider whether to include feedback in their product roadmap. 

    All the Best, 

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