Problem with my colleague 2FA Authenticator




  • AJ

    Hi there,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    I suggest that the owner of the account send this request since this would require specific account information.


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  • Peng Choy Ng

    Hi AJ,

    Thank you for advice but Mr Jimmy is unable to login to his box account as his authenticator is not working.
    Every time Mr Jimmy successfully login to create a new post, Box will prompt for MFA 6 digit code. Mr Jimmy cannot get the authenticator to work & unable to see the 6 digit. Hence I assist him to create a new post on his behalf.

    May I enquire is there a way to reach out to Box Admin via Box support email address and Mr Jimmy can email Box Admin for assistance on his Box personal account?

    Or can you assist to open a ticket for Mr Jimmy 2FA issue. Box Product Support team can get in touch with him instead and he can revert back to Box Product Support team? 

    Thank you.


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  • Peng Choy Ng

    Hi AJ

    I manage to find the URL link and get Mr Jimmy to submit a request via URL link below. Thank you for assistance.
    Submit a request – Box Support 


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