

  • 正式なコメント

    Hi Joseph, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    At present, we do not have an ETA yet on when the release of Box Drive support on Apple devices on M1 chipset will be.

    Rest assured that our Engineering team is actively working on this and if you are interested in joining our Box Desktop - M1 beta program, we recommend that you contact your Box representative

    Our team will be posting via our Product Announcements page as soon as updates are available: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/categories/360004130774-Product-Announcements

    Thanks for your understanding and let us know how else we can help!


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  • Engage

    What I do not understand is that I'm sure I read that you have released a Beta version to the Enterprise customer base for Box Drive with M1 chip support. That was a month or 2 ago? If you already have a beta for that level of customer, why isn't there one for the rest? I have a non-profit company that uses and depends on Box Drive on all of their MacBook's. They have been fortunate enough to purchase new MacBooks of course with M1 chipsets and now are not able to utitlize the application as they have been. I know that Box Sync works, but that does not allow me to free up space on the local drive.

    Please at least release a beta that we can test.

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  • Wilson Green

    I would echo the comment from Engage - I have a new M1 and could not have imagined that Box Drive would not be supported immediately. I need Box Drive to work on my M1!

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