Node SDK - download public shared file
Hello everyone,
I'm making my very first Box SDK NodeJS app which should download a public non-passwrod-protected file given the public share URL. No login should be requested.
I have created the app inside the developer section and generated the proper tokens.
On the github documentation I've found this method that should be used to download a file.
The first parameter is the `fileId` but I don't find written anywhere what this id is and where to find it if what I have is just a share link.
I've tried this code
var fs = require('fs'), BoxSDK = require('box-node-sdk'), sdk = new BoxSDK({ clientID: '...', clientSecret: '...' }), client = sdk.getAnonymousClient(), file_id = process.argv[2].replace(/\S*\/(\S+)$/,"$1"); client.files.getReadStream(file_id, null, function(error, stream) { if (error) { throw error; } // write the file to disk var output = fs.createWriteStream('./output/'+file_id+".zip"); //I know for sure there will only be zip files stream.pipe(output); });
But running it with this command
nodejs index.js
I get this error:
Error: Unexpected API Response [404 Not Found] (not_found: "Not Found") at Object.module.exports.buildResponseError (/home/andrea/dev/node/box_api/node_modules/box-node-sdk/lib/util/errors.js:57:23) at Object.module.exports.buildUnexpectedResponseError (/home/andrea/dev/node/box_api/node_modules/box-node-sdk/lib/util/errors.js:94:15) at /home/andrea/dev/node/box_api/node_modules/box-node-sdk/lib/managers/files.js:148:20 at BoxClient._handleResponse (/home/andrea/dev/node/box_api/node_modules/box-node-sdk/lib/box-client.js:291:2) at handleResponseCallback (/home/andrea/dev/node/box_api/node_modules/box-node-sdk/lib/box-client.js:233:9) at /home/andrea/dev/node/box_api/node_modules/box-node-sdk/lib/api-request.js:285:3 at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:436:9) at process._tickCallback (node.js:365:13)
Of course I get that the last part of the shared link is not the id.
Can you please help me in programmatically downloading a public shared file?
Thank you in advance!
For the moment I've used this solution:
var fs = require("fs"), request = require("request"); function downloadFile(source, target, callback) { var wr = fs.createWriteStream(target); wr.on("error", function (err) { callback(err); }); wr.on("close", function (ex) { callback(); }); request .get(source) .on("error",function(err){ callback(err); }) .on('response', function(response) { if((""+response.statusCode).charAt(0) != "2") callback({ msg: "File not found: "+response.request.href, path: response.request.href, toString: function(){ return this.msg; } }); }) .on("end", function (ex) { console.log("request ended"); }) .pipe(wr) } function onDownloadComplete(err) { if(err) throw err console.log("DOWNLOAD COMPLETE"); } function init() { var static_url = process.argv[2].replace(/\/s\//,"/shared/static/") + ".zip"; downloadFile(static_url, "./output/", onDownloadComplete); } init();
Hope this will help others.
Trying to do what you're doing. This link shows how to get the file id.
once i get the file id, I still get "not found" when trying to get the file tho.