how to get the list of files modified or created after a certain date ?




  • Murtza

     As you mentioned, we currently don't support a wildcard search.


    You can get this information using the Enterprise Events endpoint by setting the event_type parameter to UPLOAD and the created_after parameter to the date needed. Here is the method from the .NET SDK that wraps the Enterprise Events endpoint.



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  • saurabh0109

    thanks . That will solve the problem.

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  • Box Product Support

    Still no way to get this if you're not an Admin? 

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  • nesbie

    I have the same question. I uploaded 90GB of information so the only option we have is to search by date the file was uploaded, not by date modified. The date modified is on the details of the file but I can't search based on that. Is there a way?



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  • Box Product Support

    No I just got a response on another thread to "open a feature request at and our product team will review it". They need to add a wildcard search option to the Search endpoint. This is the only call in which you can isolate modified/created documents as the return. Otherwise you're stuck trying to get the information on every document and determining if it's later than a certain date.

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  • Box Product Support

    Unless you're the admin in which case you can do an enterprise events call.

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