.NET SDK - upload file with versioning
回答済みUsing the Box .NET SDK.
Am I doing this correctly? I want to upload a file and if it already exists in the account, upload a new version. I'm doing a "preflight check" to see if the file already exists. If it doesn't, I can just upload the file. If it does exist, then I get the BoxFile.Id of the existing file and use that in my BoxFileRequest. My assumption is including the file Id, Box will assume I want a new version.
BoxFileRequest request = new BoxFileRequest() { Name = fileName, Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = boxFolderId }, Id = fileId }; result = await this._boxClient.FilesManager.UploadAsync(request, stream);
However -- I'm still getting a "file name in use" exception. Am I doing something wrong or is the problem I'm using a free Developer account and maybe versioning is not allowed. Also, I'm uploading the exact file again with no changes.
If you need more info, please let me know. Thanks!
Upload File and Upload File Version are implemented as different methods in the .NET SDK. Here's the method in the .NET SDK to upload a new file version. There shouldn't be any restrictions for a developer account to use the file version endpoint.