How to upload documents to box as a user?




  • mwiller

     This is somewhat by design; if a user has opted to not accept collaborations by default, you (the person inviting them to a folder) cannot force them to accept the collaboration when you create it.  If you have the ability to As-User into their account, you should be able to do something like the following:


    1) Create an As-User client for the user who needs to accept the collaboration and upload the file

    2) Get a list of pending collaborations for that user and find the one you just created as the owner/admin

    3) Accept the collaboration by setting the status to "accepted"

    4) Upload the file(s) into the folder that you accepted the collaboration on

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  • john_Craven

    I think I might not have actually tried doing the As-User thing to approve the collaboration. Trying this now, thanks!

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