A faster way to list files in a folder?
I want to navigate a series of folders and pull file name & file size information, using the Java api.
I am using the recommended approach, which is basically to enumerate all the BoxItems found in each BoxFolder.
However it is extremely slow.
Is there not a single command that can be sent to return ALL of the BoxFolder's metadata contents in one go? i.e. the equivalent of the "ls" command?
Ok, I finally figured out why it is so slow: By default, the method gets only one Box.FileInfo object at a time from the server. To speed up you need to use pagination with max limit of 100. Something like the following:
int offset = 0; //Start
int pageSize = 100;
while (true) {
Collection itemsInFolder = targetFolder.getChildrenRange(offset, pageSize, "name", "size");
for (BoxItem.Info itemInfo : itemsInFolder) {
if (itemInfo instanceof BoxFile.Info) {
else if (itemInfo instanceof BoxFolder.Info) {...
if (itemsInFolder.size() < pageSize) break; //Less than max returned signals end
offset += pageSize;