How are salesforce records and box folders linked?
回答済みDoes anyone know how the link between a Salesforce record and a box folder is stored?
Digging through the objects, metadata and fields in the managed package I haven't found it obvious. I can find a Folder_Id__c field on the Folder Metadata Object, but not how that then relates to say an opportunity or account record.
The Box Folder/Salesforce Record relationship is maintained by an object in Salesforce called FRUP. A single FRUP record includes a Box folder ID and its associated record ID in Salesforce. It also keeps track of individual users (Box and Salesforce), and their access to the folder/record relationship.
To run a FRUP report:
- Click on "Setup"
- Navigate to "Create > Objects"
- Click "Edit" by the "FRUP" object
- Click "Allow Reports" and Save
- Click the "Reports" tab from your All Tabs menu
- Click "New Report..."
- Search for FRUP within the Report Type list and click Create
- From the fields on the left, double click "FRUP: ID", "Box user", "CollaborationID", "Folder ID", "Record ID", and "Salesforce User" to add these columns to the report.
- Filter for "All frup" (not just Created by Me)
- Run the report
Can you link salesforce records and Box folders through the FRUP object?
such as :
box__FRUP__c newFolder = new box__FRUP__c();
newFolder.box__Record_ID__c = prop.Id; //id of the salesforce record
newFolder.box__Folder_ID__c = prop.BOX_Folder_ID__c; //id of the box folder you want on the salesforce record