Is there any way to upload a big file (>50MB) to Box by using Google Apps Script?




  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    Unfortunately with the chunked upload API the digest parameter will be required. I think the best approach will be to work with the Google support to see if they can / do have a method for supporting files > 50mb if you want to go down that route.


    - Jon

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  • iancrew

    Note that the standard upload file endpoint ( says that Box recommends that you use the chunked upload for files larger than 50MB, but doesn't say that they require it. Maybe it's worth trying just using that simpler endpoint?


    Alternatively, could you possibly leverage Box's FTP capabilities from Google Apps Script instead? I'll admit I haven't checked Apps Script, but most languages tend to have a pretty robust FTP library available.


    Hope that helps,



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  • Masahiro_Tanaka

    Thank you for your reply .

    I understand there's no way currently.  I hope Google will support big (>50MB) blob handling in Google Apps Script one day.

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  • Masahiro_Tanaka

    Thank you for your reply .

    I would like to use the simpler method or other method like FTP, but the problem is that Google Apps Script cannot handle big blog (>50MB)..  That's why I tried to use chuncked upload API, but I found the digest header is mandatory.

    For now I gave it up because I got the clear answer from .

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