Make a table dynamic in a box note




  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    Are you trying to build out an integration through Box Platform APIs with a Box note, or looking at discussing the feature through the UI? If it's the site (offering that as an option when working on a Box note) it may be best to check out the Box notes forum, or make a feature request on our Box Pulse site for Notes.




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  • aliceokane

    While I think it would be a great feature for Box to add, I am looking for a "now" and not "very future if ever" answer, so yes, an integration with the Box API would be what I am looking for.   Can we embed such a thing in a Box note?

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  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    I'll try to provide some guidance on what's possible here with platform. Two items before I go into details concerning Box Notes:

    1. You cannot create new functionality for the product directly using Platform, you'll need to build a separate service that may be able to read in Box Notes files.
    2. There are no direct APIs for Box Notes in Platform.

    With that said, here are a few things you could do / leverage off of:

    • If you use the download file endpoint you'll be able to download the content of a Boxnote based on its file ID. 
    • The content of the note will be a large JSON structure containing configuration information and the content of the note. In the JSON if you look at the atext->text node you'll see the content of the file.
    • Using the configuration information in the JSON you'll be able to build your own visualization of the content, which would also include the table adjustments that you'd like.

    It's more work to get to that state, but it's what is available for immediate use. 


    - Jon

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