Android SDK - Client_id unauthorized




  • anoland

    The authorization_code grant type is only used for standard (non-JWT) OAuth2. If you would like more information on using JWT in a server implementation, I'd recommend taking a look at this issue from the Android SDK:

    If you want to do a strictly Android SDK implementation, you will have an easier time changing to a different authentication type.

    In the future, we will be working on re-release the Android SDK with full JWT support.

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  • MaxDC

    Thanks for your help.

    I'm a novice and I just need the simplest way to let app save or load a file on Box.

    I also would like to avoid the app user be asked to enter Box credentials.

    Is there a simple way to do this?

    Thank you again.

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  • TPark_RL

          Sorry, no answer, just wondering if you accomplished what you mentioned in your note?  I'm also a novice, at least with Box, and asked for a simple example showing how to do this, but so far no one has responded.  I would think it would take about 20 minutes to throw a sample together by someone more knowledgeable; authenticate, upload a file, download a file.  I'm wondering if maybe Google Docs might be a better choice for my application, since there are so many more users, and hence more sample code.  I'm also hampered by the lack of any Kotlin examples, but can handle the conversion from java if it's what I'm looking for.  Right now, getting something to work for my application is similar to playing an adventure game.


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