Is there a command line switch for boxsync.exe to pause\stop syncing on startup?




  • jmoldow_box



    We do not currently have such a command line switch.


    What is your use case?

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  • djkoolen

    is there a way you can pause one folder in boxsync to allow another file or folder to sync first?

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  • jfnixon

    Use case: I'm about the start some activity which will result in thousands of files being created an d deleted. I'd like to pause syncing till the end of this activity, and I don't want to use a mouse to do it. I suppose I can script my own commands, but it would be nice if Box already had them.

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  • kkahl

    Seconding the use case.


    I'm backing up a git repo mirror. I do:


    • call git remote update --prune
    • call git gc --aggressive --prune=all

    This results in a bunch of .git/objects/* files being created and then consolidated into a .pack (and thus deleted). Box sync usually kicks in and then proceeds to spam my tray alerts with lots (sometimes a hundred+) 'File XX deleted' notifications.


    I wish to either call boxsync.exe with a switch to temporarily pause sync, later resuming with another call... or have some way to drop a semaphore file in the tree that says "hey, please don't sync for the next few minutes." I do not want to have to write code to talk to the server (either via Web API or via local calls to some COM server, or whatever).


    Thank you in advance for giving thought to this use case and helping me out with a solution!

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  • critStock

    +1 for support of calls to pause/unpause by jfnixon and kkahl

    Use: a database that can get damaged by a bad edit/sync confluence. I'd like to be able to start the db interface with a batch that first pauses sync, then, perhaps, a scheduler entry that unpauses box when the db interface is closed. Thanks!

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  • hemantkarn

    Request you to provide the command line utility to perform box sync operations i.e login/logout/sync etc. on Windows systems.

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  • pieterjanvc



    I have a use case. BOX syncs folders in which (temp) system files are stored used by one of my programs (R-studio software). During the use of this program, it creates local files that are overwritten constantly leading to BOX.exe going crazy and using up to 25% CPU. I now manually pause BOX during the time I'm using this software and start it again afterwards, but I'l like to scrip this so I don't have to manually do this every time.


    I'm sure there are other use cases too, and it just makes it more user-friendly if you can operate it from command line.

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  • J Greenley

    Another use case... I disable the NIC while running special tasks, and would prefer to gently pause Box before I break the connection.

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