Help understanding Events API for users and admin
Hey box devs,
Can you help me understand how the Events API is to be used? I imagined in some app integration I could call it and query a subset of events for a user (like the 20 most recent). However, the way I am seeing the endpoint work is that I have to call this first:
Take the stream_position out of the response and THEN as the user does some actions which create events I can afterwards call something like:***card # removed for privacy***
And it responds with the events the user did during the period between the first and second call. I'm sorry, but I don't understand the use case for this kind of behavior.
If I wanted to make a single call to get a subset of the 20 most recent events for a user, can I do that?
Or even a double call - first to get stream position and second to get actual events would work. However, if I immediately make the second call with the stream position from first call, the response is an empty array of events.
Additionally, I am unable to make GET requests for admin_logs with the Developer token - PostMan gives me a 403 forbidden. Can I turn something on to enable this? My (user?) account that I log into the Developer and normal Box UI has been given admin access - I can see the Admin console/area.