adminClient.FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync("0", 100) not returning any folders but there are two
Hi, I'm new to and one of our sister schools created my Box account and two folders (the folders are owned by them). I'm trying to connect from a .Net C# console application so I can download files form one of the folders. I created a custom app set up JWT Auth and generated a key and granted permission to the custom app in business settings. My program seems to be connecting but when I try to get the folder info the count is always 0.
var boxConfig = new BoxConfig(ClientId, ClientSecret, EnterpriseId, JwtEncryptedPrivateKey, JwtPrivateKeyPassword, JwtPublicKeyId);
var boxJWT = new BoxJWTAuth(boxConfig);
var adminToken = boxJWT.AdminToken();
var adminClient = boxJWT.AdminClient(adminToken);
var result = adminClient.FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync("0", 100).Result;
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Is it possible I can't see the folders because I'm not the owner?