Receiving access_denied_insufficient_permissions when creating a shared link




  • rocks

    Hi ,


    Can you confirm which user account / type owns the content you uploaded (i.e. if uploaded programatically did you use standard

    OAuth 2.0 for authentication or JWT service account?


    It could be that the user you are now trying to use to generate the shared link simply does not have access to the file.

    You can test this by logging into the Web UI as the same user and trying to generate the shared link using the "Share" button.


    Let me know how you get on with this?




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  • j2inet

    I created one of the developer tokens that works for 60 minutes against my own account. So the place to which the files were uploaded and the developer token are associated with the same account. 


    The other settings I've selected are as follows. 


    Authentication Method: OAuth 2 with JWT

    Application Access: Enterprise

    Application Scopes: I checked all of them in trying to get through this problem

    Advanced Features::Perform Actions as User: Enabled

    Advanced Features::Generate User Access Tokens: Enabled


    I **can** create shared links using this same user account manually (ex: ). 

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