.NET SDK -- Where is my refresh token?
回答済みI keep reading that I am responsible for retrieving and saving a Refresh Token. And then I read in some posts that the SDK handles that behind the scenes. So, I'm confused.
Here's what I'm using to test uploading files:
public BoxClient CreateAccessClient(string tokenFilePath) { BoxClient result = null; // Open a stream to read and dispose of the automatically created Box configuration file. using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(tokenFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { // Initialize the SDK with the Box configuration file and create a client that uses the Service Account. var session = new BoxJWTAuth(BoxConfig.CreateFromJsonFile(fs)); result = session.AdminClient(session.AdminToken()); } return result; }
I'm using the JSON file I downloaded when I created my App. I understand I'm using my App's Service Account (on a Developer's account) for access and this appears to be working OK for uploading and getting shared links. But, I'm not seeing a Refresh Token. In looking at the debug information for the client I create above, I see a RefreshToken variable in BoxClient.Auth.Session.RefreshToken, but it's null. And I do see my access token has a lifetime of 60 minutes.
Do I assume correctly that in 60 days from the time I created my App account, I won't be able to connect anymore? If so, what do I need to change. Thanks!
Since you are authenticating with JWT, not getting a refresh token is expected. I'll explain in more detail below.
We have two main authentication types: OAuth2 and JWT
- With OAuth2, when you request a new API token you get an access token that expires in 60 minutes and a refresh token that expires in 60 days. The refresh token can only be used once to get a new access token, and when you use the refresh token our API will send back a new refresh token.
- With JWT, there is no refresh token to manage. You use your existing JWT credentials to get a new access token. This gives your application persistent access to the Box enterprise that authorized your application.
Please let me know if that answers your question?