OAuth2 via script: python3 urllib.request.Request(auth_url) not working
I'm trying to use box's API to access public files (provided by my
local police department). I've established a box application to do
this, have its credentials, and am now writing a python3 app using
boxsdk, following the documentation here:
>> CurrOAuth = boxsdk.OAuth2(
client_id = myCID,
client_secret = mySecret,
>> auth_url, csrf_token = CurrOAuth.get_authorization_url('https://app.box.com')
So far so good. But i must be interpretting your instructions for
Step 2, redirecting the user, incorrectly. Its last step is
return redirect(auth_url)
?? Which (library's) `redirect()` function do you have in mind?
The first instruction of Step 3 is:
When the user is redirected back to your application redirect_uri, a
code and state parameter will also be present in the querystring
if I paste `auth_url` into a browser, i'm indeed directed (after
logging in to box) to my home folder. however, when i try to
script this using python3's urlib:
>> request = urllib.request.Request(auth_url)
>> u = opener.open(request)
>> u.geturl()
(i've elided the actual *MORE-RANDOM_CSRF* and *ClIENT-ID*)
the redirect returns exactly the original `auth_url`, and does NOT
contain the critical `code` parameter you mention in Step 3, and
so cannot get the access and refresh tokens.
what am i missing, please?