Web Integration Token not working to create Webhooks




  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    My first thought is that the webhook scope may not be set in the application. Can you load up your app on the Box developer console, then go to the configuration section of the app and make sure that the "Manage webhooks" scope is selected for the application? If you're using a JWT / OAuth based application, you'll also need to reauthorize your application in the enterprise for the scopes changes to take effect.


    Hope that helps,


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  • nachoargentina

    Hello and thank you for your answer.

    I have gone through your recomendations and unfortunately I'm still facing the same issue.

    I'm trying to do something I though was very simple and this is blocking the entire integration.

    1. I have created a Box partner integration app,
    2. I have Standard OAuth 2.0 selected (as choosing JWT will take the Web Integration option away).
    3. I made sure the application scope includes the option "Manage Webhooks"
    4. The integration just makes an API call with the auth_code and the file_id. The app grabs that info, creates a new client and then tries to register a webhook. Here's the (very simple) code:
      //Create box client
      BoxAPIConnection client = new BoxAPIConnection("my_client_id", "my_client_secret", request.auth_code)

      //Create webook String fileId = request.getFile_id(); URL notificationURL = new URL("https://7fd80a11.ngrok.io/api/integrations/box/webhook?token="); BoxFile file = new BoxFile(client, fileId);
      BoxWebHook.Info webhookInfo = BoxWebHook.create(file, notificationURL, BoxWebHook.Trigger.FILE_DOWNLOADED);
      The problem is that when I call BoxWebHook.create on the file (that comes from the Web Integration call) I get back 403 from Box which is the error for Insufficient permissions.

      Please help us out here. What are we missing?
      Thanks in advance for your time! 

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • nachoargentina


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