CLI error: Not a true config file.




  • MarcWUW

    Help. Can anyone help me with this? Please?

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • mwiller

     Is the "Not a true config file" the only error output you received?  Looking at the CLI code that processes the config file, it should give more context around why the config file was rejected.  For example, this is what I see when I try to add a config file that doesn't exist:


    15:09 $ box configure environments add ~/Downloads/config.json --name CLI
    Adding new environment
    Looking for file at this path /Users/mwiller/Downloads/config.json
    Couldn't open config file at this path: /Users/mwiller/Downloads/config.json
    Not a true config file.
    Couldn't add this environment.
    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • MarcWUW

    Yes, the message you posted is exactly the complete error message I get. But the file is there and I get the error even if I run the command from the Downloads directory.

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  • MarcWUW

    The config file generated by Box is named something like 7961026_fujjycxb_config and I tried renaming it to config to match the exact command in the docs but still no luck. I ran from my command prompt where it opens at C:\Users\myname and from C:\Users\myname\Downloads where the file is but it won't work. I did all the steps quite a few times and regenerated the file again and again.

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  • mwiller

     Okay, so let's try a complete step-by-step breakdown and see if that works:


    1. Ensure that your generated config file is located at C:\Users\yourname\Downloads\config.json
    2. Run the CLI command to add the config: box environments add C:\Users\yourname\Downloads\config.json

    If that doesn't work, could you copy/paste the full error output here so we can debug further?

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  • MarcWUW

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
    (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\Users\myname>cd Downloads

    C:\Users\myname\Downloads>box configure environments add config.json --name CLI
    Adding new environment
    Looking for file at this path \C:Users\myname\Downloads\config.json
    Couldn't open config file at this path: \C:Users\myname\Downloads\config.json
    Not a true config file.
    Couldn't add this environment.


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  • mwiller

     Please run the command exactly as I described (using the absolute path to the config file) and let me know if that works for you.

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • MarcWUW


    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • mwiller

     The command in the screenshot is not the command I described (with an absolute path); please copy and paste the command from my previous post and run it exactly as shown there to see if that works.

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  • MarcWUW

    How about this? If I paste that same path into an explorer window the config file is found.


    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • mwiller

     Please note the slashes in the path you're passing to the CLI — you are using UNIX-style (/) while the CLI on Windows expects Windows-style (\).  You should pass the valid Windows absolute path to the config file.

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • MarcWUW

    Argh! That was it. Thank you! I'll keep moving along to the next step now.

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
