JWT access folders and files




  • cbetta

    Hi , so there are 2 issues here.


    Firstly, when you authenticate through JWT you are not authenticated as a regular Box user, but as a Service Account. This Service Account has its own root folder and folder structure, and doesn't by default have access to folders owned by other users.


    The simplest way to gain access to a folder owned by another user is to either collaborate (share) that folder with the service account, or to explicitly authenticate as that user with the As-User header. 




    As for your second issue, you seem to be getting that error because /folders/search is not an API endpoint we support. We do have a /search endpoint, which I think is what you were looking to use.

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  • vk16

    Hi  , I also have the exactly same problem but I created all the folders my self these are not shared folders. I have been trying it from long time but no luck. When I give the folder id 0 it is giving me empty response. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • cbetta

     an empty response seems odd to me. What is the HTTP status code?

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