Query an user if there are content in their account




  • iancrew

    It's possible to see how much data a given account contains (the "space_used" parameter of https://developer.box.com/reference#users), but that doesn't include three things that may prevent you from successfully deleting the account:

    • Box Notes
    • Box Web links/bookmarks
    • Folders

    What most folks I've seen do is to either:

    1) Use the "Move Owned Items" call (https://developer.box.com/reference#move-folder-into-another-users-folder) to move everything owned by the user to be deleted into another user, then delete the original user


    2) If deleting a user with 0 space_used fails, enumerate the contents of that user's root folder and delete any items found before retrying.


    Hope that helps!


    Ian Crew

    UC Berkeley

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  • Sarah010

    Okay Thanks for your help!

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