BOX API: /search, ancestor_folder_id: option not include search of subfolders
Similar issue: API search: Why is "query" parameter required or not accept wildcard "*" or regex?
I wish to perform a /search for only items within folder and not within its subfolders.
Limit searches to specific parent folders. Requires one or a set of comma delimited folder_ids: folder_id_1,folder_id_2,.... Parent folder results will also include items within subfolders.
I do not wish to include items within subfolders ?
I could do this the brut force way of getting all items from a folder then filter externally for type that are folders and then by folder name.
Box API development: Please update /search endpoint.
Hi ,
I haven't seen the specific suggestion in the search suggestions on Pulse that I linked in the other thread. With that said, here are a few things that I'll call out:
- Search improvements are on our list for improvement, but there are a number of infrastructure changes that need to be put in place to support everything that we and the community need for the endpoint. It is a priority for us though.
- We've relayed this callout as well internally, but I would also recommend filing this request to Box Pulse. The reason I say that is because it creates a public entry for the request and every suggestion is reviewed by the appropriate PMs to ensure that it is responded to. This also gives you notifications when changes are made to the suggestion.
We'll keep working towards these improvements but I wanted to add some transparency to let you know that these aren't dropped requests / concerns for us.
- Jon