Salesforce Apex Test Class with sendRequest generic method
Hi All,
i've created a Salesforce class that uses the Box API to check what is in an account's folder. Where I am getting stuck is creating a test class in Apex. The usual process would be to create a httpMock class to simulate a response but this does not work when you use the sendRequest method, example below
// Instantiate the Toolkit object
box.Toolkit toolkit = new box.Toolkit();
// Sets endpoint to Box API call using the account's folder id
string endpoint = '' + folderId + '/items';
// Creates httprequest
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
// stores the json response form the Box API
//HttpResponse response = toolkit.sendRequest(request);
if i replace the httpResponse line with the below,
Http h = new Http();
HttpResponse response = h.send(Request);
The httpMock class works perfectly and my test will work.
Has anyone had any success in developing an Apex test class than can work with the sendRequest generic method?