Ownership transfer duration (1.5 TB)




  • France

    Hi David, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your post in the forum!

    Transferring content ownership can take some time to complete, depending on the amount of content to transfer. The more content you own, the longer it takes to complete. If after you start the process there is no error, but some of the content does not immediately display, please wait up to a day before you contact support. 

    For larger transfers, we recommend doing this at the end of the day so users are not disrupted by the move. If you experience any issues, please submit a support case so a Box support teammate can help look into it.

    More tips can be found in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196273-Managing-Collaborators#transferfolderowner

    Thanks for your participation in the community!



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  • Ellie Wilkinson

    Hi, how long did it take in the end? I started our transfer around 14 hours ago and all our folders are still missing…

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