Salesforce SDK - JSON Exception in GetChildren()
I'm attempting to pull folder info using the code below. There are ~6000 children in the folder so I'm using the offset/limit params of getChildren. It ran fine with 0,1000.
BoxApiConnection api = new BoxApiConnection('devToken');
BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(api, 'folderId');
list<BoxItem.Info> children = folder.getChildren(1000,2000);
for (BoxItem.Info itemInfo : children) {
//do stuff
and getting the following error:
System.JSONException: Unexpected character ('T' (code 84)): was expecting comma to separate OBJECT entries at input location [1,81926]
Class.System.JSONParser.nextToken: line 94, column 1
Class.BoxJsonObject.getStringUntilTokenValue: line 249, column 1
Class.BoxJsonObject.parseJsonObjectArray: line 378, column 1
Class.BoxFolder.getChildren: line 579, column 1