Refresh OAuth Access Token returns 409 Conflict
I'm using the following route to refresh the access token
This endpoint seems to intermittently return 409 Conflict response code without any response body.
At times, retrying the request resolves the issue as the endpoint returns 200 OK with a new set of access_token and refresh_token.
Most of the 409 Conflict retries end up with 400 Bad Request.
In those 400 Bad Request response body, it would indicate the refresh token has expired - with these 2 types of descriptions:
- {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid refresh token"}
- {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Refresh token has expired"}
The API documentation states that the refresh token is valid for up to 60 days and only meant for single use. I have confirmed that every successful renewal's refresh token is stored and used for subsequent renewals.
What would be the cause for 409 Conflict during token renewals, resulting into a 400 Bad Request while the refresh token is supposed to be valid?