

  • 正式なコメント

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    The ability to selectively sync folders to show like in Box Sync is currently not a feature available in Box Drive.

    There is an existing feature request submitted for this via Box Pulse that is currently "Under consideration", you can find the post on this page: https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-future-of-box/suggestions/36932773-select-folders-to-sync 
    You may also up vote this idea and join in other users for more feedback on how this would be helpful to you and your organization.
    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
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  • David Berninger

    Hi France, how can I see the data size of a folder?  Your online chat is telling me it isn't possible?  When will this extremely basic functionality be added or when will you bring back Box Sync as an option?

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  • France

    Hi David, 

    For any product feature request or suggestions, we recommend you post your idea on pulse.box.com for more visibility. Our product team reviews all submissions and will consider whether to include feedback in their product roadmap. 

    Thanks for your participation in the Community!

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  • Max Oliver Bloomfield

    Hi, is there any movement on this feature? Has it been implemented?

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  • Mushtaaq Nabeel

    Hi Max. Isn't this available already. I can select the folders/files I need to make available offline/online only.

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  • Max Oliver Bloomfield

    No, it is not yet available. Currently you can change the caching behavior of files, but they are all still available, and the entire directory structure is always exposed.

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  • Manlio Alfieri

    Hi, has it been implemented this feature?

    I remember that I can use this feature in the past, on a old pc of mine

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