

  • France

    Hi Paul, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Box Tools is now supported on the new M1 Processor. See the announcement here: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500000564381-M1-support-for-Box-Tools

    For Box Desktop apps like Box Drive or Box Sync, at present we do not have an ETA on when will these be compatible with Apple's new devices using M1 chips, but rest assured that our team is working diligently for a fix in a future release so please look forward to it. 

    In the meantime, you can access your Box content on Apple Silicon devices via the Box web application by logging into app.box.com/login.

    To see our future product announcements and releases, please check out our Product Announcement page.

    Thanks for following up and let us know how else we can help!


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  • monogrant

    Apple announced the transition in June 2020. (https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/06/apple-announces-mac-transition-to-apple-silicon/)

    That was 232 days ago! This change wasn't a shock. You know you have Mac users that are relying on your services. You are forcing them to look elsewhere for a platform that puts their needs first.

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  • Kyle

    Did Box not have (or decided not to use) the Apple Silicon (A14) DTK?  It seems like everyone and their brother had a DTK in order to prepare for the Apple Silicon launch but for some reason Box was caught by surprise?

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  • monogrant

    Agree. Even some of us in Mac management got them to test workflows, scripts, management so we were ready for our users and we're not dedicated software engineers.

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  • Kyle

    Microsoft.  I'll say it again.  MICROSOFT was ready for Apple Silicon within days of the launch.  The people that have, hands-down, created one of the worst, backwards, un-configurable, duplo-my-first-application, email client ever written for Macintosh: Outlook.  It doesn't even matter which version you pick. 

    Heck, I might posit that Entourage was better than the latest version of Outlook.  At least Entourage didn't randomly insert Microsoft advertisements into every nook and cranny of your email interface.

    Yes the company that brought you an email tool that would randomly duplicate every email you sent and received back in 2009, was more prepared for Apple Silicon than Box.


    Box's Mac development team had one job.....

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  • Paul Young

    Definitely agree guys!

    I met with our team yesterday and we are all moving across to OneDrive.

    I thought Box would have been a better alternative but the customer support and lack of response on this issue apart from a generic response from the support team which everyone receives suggesting we use the Web version (which incidentally is also a mess, won't open many proprietary file formats and is not drag and drop....).

    Since many people already have O365 you can see how many people will take the OneDrive option as it is reducing our overheads.

    And if you don't want to use MS OneDrive there is always Dropbox..... 


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  • Gregory J. Smith

    When are you going to fix Box Drive so that it works on M1 Macs? This is beyond frustrating.

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