

  • France

    Hi Michelle, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    You can assign multiple people or groups, but all assignees must be collaborators in the folder containing the file. Has the group been added as a collaborator in the folder?

    Please take a look at this article for more information: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695954-Adding-Comments-and-Tasks 


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  • Michelle502

    Thanks for the reply. I have read the article mentioned. The group is a collaborator, and I am the Box admin and folder owner. Perhaps I should start a ticket?

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  • France

    Hey, Michelle!

    Can you please check if "Enable group invites"  is disabled in your Enterprise Settings > Content & Sharing.

    You will need to enable this setting in your account for the group to appear in your workflow.

    If that is already enabled and you are still having issue assigning task to a Group, please go ahead and submit a ticket to our tech support by clicking on the “Contact Support” link just above this page so they can further investigate.


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  • Michelle502

    That did it, thanks! I misunderstood the definition of Groups in the Admin panel.

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  • Mark Roduner

    I'm getting "unable to assign task" with the following description "The workflow is unable to access the file. The permissions may have been changed and restricted workflow access."

    I have "Enable Group Invites" enabled; and the group is a co-owner of the folder I wish to assign the task in.  What else do I need to do?

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