

  • France

    Hi Lynn, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Can you clarify what your goal here is and provide more details about your workflow?

    For what I know, there is no way to do this when you are viewing the file in Box. If you are trying to do this for a document or excel file, you must edit and open the file using either office online or Box Edit which will then allow you to format or add items such as columns, tables etc to the file.



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  • Jeff Morris

    Hi, I would appreciate to be able to Sort all the files in a folder by their last version uploaded date. Having a Version History category where the Date and Time is sortable would be beneficial to my workflow.

    This is different than the "Updated" Column that currently displays. 

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  • Molly Snowberger

    Yes please please please add this feature -- column view so see the file directory tree much better

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