Box Tools Opening File in Notepad and Not Windows Default App




  • France

    Hi Hassan, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your post in the forum!
    Have you checked out this support article on Box Edit Opens My File with the Wrong Desktop Program?

    If Box Edit is opening files in the wrong program for you, please follow the steps below to make sure that you have the correct program defaults set for you computer:

    This may be relevant to your problem with the next steps!
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  • Hassan Berdi

    Hi France,

    Thanks for the warm welcome and prompt response.

    Yes I have reviewed that support article and can confirm the default programs on Windows for XML files is set to Notepad++ but when it opens via Box it still opens it in Notepad. I also pulled the log and can see that for whatever reason it is opening Notepad and almost ignoring Notepad++ which is the default.

    Are there additional steps I need to take to ensure it opens in Notepad++?




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  • Pdro

    I've changed Windows 11 default program for ".txt"   to Visual Studio Code,   but Box still opens it in Notepad.   I've restarted my PC and the problem still occurs.  Anyone know a solution?

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