Can't open files on Desktop from web app. Box tools installed.




  • France

    Hi Desiree, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Have you tried to uninstall/ reinstall Box Tools from your computer and see if that hep fix it for you?

    If the issue persists, can you check if Box tools is running? To check if Box Tools is Installed and Running, please take a look at this article:


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  • Pat Foley

    I'm having the same problem. I try to open the file in Word or Excel desktop (2016) but it is often grayed out so I can't do it. I have W10 and the latest Box and Box Tools. Help!

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  • Michael Blackhurst

    I have spent 45 minutes trying to troubleshoot this same issue, reading multiple threads on the community "support" that have all been dead ends. (As an aside, I cannot login to community "support" from Firefox. I am guessing that requires all manners of cookies to operate that I have blocked in Firefox.) I have reinstalled Box desktop, installed Box tools, and ensured all apps are running. The option to open a Word document on the desktop app remains grayed out. I am left editing a document in Microsoft Word online, which is quite horrible. This has been a waste of time. I will not spend more time troubleshooting, as I do not get paid by for quality control. I have reported this experience to our company's IT management in hopes of ceasing our license. 

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