Open in Word functionality / ContentOpenWith using BoxEdit
We’re looking for guidance to tap into that Open in Word functionality easily (any other ways that you may have available, not just box-ui-elements, though that’s what we’ve tried currently).
We are developing an enterprise application for a client and investigating Box as the primary file integration platform. The ContentOpenWith functionality (specifically using BoxEdit for opening word documents using Microsoft Word and saving them back to Box automatically) is key to the success of their project.
- Boxr gem for rails
- box-ui-elements with a React front end
- Incorporating both the ContentExplorer and ContentOpenWith components, and passing in App User tokens, after having assigned those App Users integrations
I think we got pretty far, but now I’m seeing specifically an error on their API like this and not sure where to head next, or to dig in more: /2.0/files/835783278724/open_with_integrations a 500 error.
I have attached an image...
I'm facing the same issue while trying to use ContentOpenWith. Please let me know if you were able to fix this issue or use a workaround to get this to work.