Trying to designate files as "Final" Using Tags or Metadata




  • France

    Hi Kate, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your post in the forum!
    Have you checked out this support article on Using Tags?


    You can start typing a tag in the search view, and Box autofills possible tags. However, it does this only for content you own. It does not autofill tags that belong to content you do not own or content on which you collaborate.

    This may be relevant to your problem with the next steps!
    If this did not help, do you mind providing more information or even share a screenshot? This will help out other members of the community to answer your question. 
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  • Kate Sopko

    Hello France, Thank you for this input! I tried this again on a file within a folder that I co-own, and it's still not auto-filling a pre-created Tag. (This screenshot is likely not terribly helpful, but I a created "FINAL" Tag on a file in this folder, and when I started typing FINAL into the Add/Edit Tag box of another file in the folder, nothing autofilled. In our use case, only a few Users would be applying Tags, but all organizational Users would need to see Tags, and we need to be able to apply the same Tag within several different folders. Thank you!

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