How Does Preview Work For mp3 Files?




  • France

    Hi Jerome, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    MP3 file is indeed a supported file on preview in Box so it should play this audio file on preview.

    Have you tried this on other browsers and see if it makes any difference? I would also suggest disabling add-ons from your browser and then try previewing this file again.

    If the issue persists, I recommend submitting a ticket to Product Support team so they can help investigate on this. You may submit a ticket by clicking on the “Contact Support” link just above this page.



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  • Jerome Detotto

    Sorry for the long delay in responding, it has been a hectic time for me.  I tried clicking Contact Support, but it only keeps opening the knowledgebase search box.  There is no form or anything to submit a ticket.  The issue is the same, I can download the file fine (so I know it is uploaded correctly) but the preview does not work to play the mp3 online.  I have tried with Firefox & Chrome.  The file link is   Thanks for any assitance. 

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  • Jerome Detotto

    Issue resolved:  After having issues with some other services it seems that the only files which are having issues in Box are mp3s which were generated using VLC to convert from .wav files.  The mp3 files generated by Ableton Live work as they should in preview. 

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