Use of 'Search files and folders' in Box
I've got a Business plan. When I search for a compound term, for example made up of 2 words, The results I get don't show all the files that contain that term. I tested this with an example 2-word term and Box search found 18 out of 28 files that contain the term (out of a total of ~1900 pdf files). Strangely, Box found the 'missing' files that contain a single word of the term. When I used CRTL+F on the pdfs the compound term was found. I don't think the 10,000 character limit is the reason for the 'missinig' 10 files. I have checked and I have searched this forum. Can anyone explain this, please and advise on how to fix it. Thanks
Hi there,
Welcome to the Box Community!This would be something our Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information. I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work with you on looking into this.Kindly check your email for details and updates.Thanks for posting and please let us know how it goes with support.