Setting up Postman with Box JWT Server Authentication
Hello all!
I'm a web developer at the Univ of Arizona and am trying to set off a manual Box Relay to automate tasks for our staff in College of Humanities (COH).
I am trying to set up Postman to work with our app that's OAuth 2.0 with JWT (Server Authentication). So far:
When I hit "Get New Access Token", i get the following on my browser:
I get the sense that maybe for JWT, though, I'm not supposed to authenticate this way / i'm doing something wrong. If anyone has information on how to connect Postman to Box API using JWT, that would be super super helpful.
Hi Alex,
Your suggesting is good for testing, but how would I put this into production with automation? I want to be able to request a token from the Box application programmatically. It seems like the Request access token endpoint is what I would use, but have not been successful at providing all of the required fields.
Thanks for your help. -
I would go through our quick start in the developer documentation - this flow will set up token request flow automatically in Postman.
You can use the code here to create the assertion you send in as well! Just log the assertion and comment out the code where it is making the token.
const fs = require('fs')const crypto = require('crypto')const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('PATH_TO_FILE'))
let run = async () => {// In node we don't need to manually decrypt the// key, as the JWT library can handle this for usletkey= {key: config.boxAppSettings.appAuth.privateKey,passphrase: config.boxAppSettings.appAuth.passphrase}
// We will need the authenticationUrl again later,// so it is handy to define hereconstauthenticationUrl=''
letclaims= {'iss': config.boxAppSettings.clientID,'sub': config.enterpriseID,'box_sub_type': 'enterprise','aud': authenticationUrl,// This is an identifier that helps protect against// replay attacks'jti': crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex'),// We give the assertion a lifetime of 45 seconds// before it expires'exp': Math.floor( /1000) +45}
// Rather than constructing the JWT assertion manually, we are// using the jsonwebtoken library.letassertion= jwt.sign(claims, key, {// The API support "RS256", "RS384", and "RS512" encryption'algorithm': 'RS512','keyid': keyId,})console.log(assertion)}