Error: invalid_client
I have used Salesforce files connect from a sandbox to a free Box account. I have set up a custom app in Box. Set up the Auth provider in salesforce correctly. But keep getting the below invalid client error -
- response_type=code
- redirect_uri=
- state=CAAAAX8oh2jpMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwAAAA7JtDRs9Gn-O90WiDP_h6Mbt_oEVeLtmE3QAmlRhPjNaeZwztQcNK5UkNjBWJst52wLtjVxZcxN2ECguDaiZs_l2E_Nhx5JqhZY7VYS6MWYLhVbN8gpCuijNAFCQmNdSDsnjFR4eh3B9YqX2asTQuU7TYPISGkYqFblmOXfD7dQMzqoqVe9BSMNju7D0ARtO8Rp7VEKiHksQ--D3otVfE63IbZ0fOcfM8xDIONGsXptjI7gA7Zo5GfrGSOP1X0V6WDsQKR3IoydWVHBYurAAoFyo1zWN1CGL96uFkOy6CJkCm
- client_id=84U8q9sUzAcAq9RdEPfdh0kUmOCWUY2R
Can we get some help from support team?
I'm not quite sure I have enough information to be able to fully help... but this is a guide that walks you through setting up the connection from Box to Salesforce.