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    Hi there,

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    That default period is 30 days, although Box administrators of business and enterprise accounts can shorten or lengthen it.  While items are in your Box trash, you can recover and restore them to their original locations in your Box account.  You can also search your trash to locate specific items you can recover or delete manually.

     When Box purges your trashed content there is still a 14-day grace period for paying customers, during which Product Support can recover your content.  Beyond this 14-day grace period, however, files or folders purged from your Box trash may not be recoverable and may be lost forever. Please note that this recovery grace period does not apply to Free accounts. We are unable to support file recovery for our Free Individual plan. 

    Please see this article for more information on how to manage your Trash: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196093-Managing-Trash

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