Editing docs using online 365 and saving back to box when you have a mac




  • France

    Hi Mary Kay, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Does your staff receive any kind of error message when they open and try to save files to Box using office online?

    One of the prerequisites of this integration is if you are an enterprise Box user, you must have a Business Office 365 account to use this integration. If you are a free Box user, you can use the integration without a Microsoft Office Online account.

    You can learn more about this integration in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196433-Box-for-Office-Integrations#bfo_officeonline 


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  • Mary Kay Olson

    We currently have business basic and were thinking of moving to business premium.  I don't know if that helps clarify matters.  I don't know where to find this integration for macs.  I didn't see it mentioned in the article link provided.  If we need a particular version of box or some other tool to access use of 365 online when opening, editing, and saving box documents please direct me accordingly.


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  • Mary Kay Olson

    Add to above: opening, editing and savings box documents when the computer is a mac.


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  • Mary Kay Olson

    sorry one more clarification - the mac does NOT have 365 for macs.  I am hoping to avoid having to purchase a subscription for our staff mac users who mostly work with just box documents and aren't creating new ones for other than themselves.


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  • France

    Hi Mary, 

    I checked your profile and I see it is linked to a Personal Free Box, so if you and your users have the same type of account, you guys can use the integration even without a 365 account.

    To explain how this integration works when you edit Microsoft file with Office online:
    1. Navigate to the folder containing the Microsoft file you wish to edit.
    2. Click on your Microsoft file to open its preview page.
    3. Click on the Open button and select the option to open the file with Office Online editor.
    4. It will open the file on another browser tab where for office online and then you can start editing files.
    5. Any edits you make automatically save back to Box.

    Can you confirm that you are seeing this option on your end?
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  • Mary Kay Olson

    Sorry I should have been more clear.  The account is Cooperative Energy Futures.

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  • France

    Hi Mary, 

    Thanks for responding back!

    If the account involve is a paying Business or Enterprise Box, I would suggest that you login to that account and open a support ticket. It sounds like the issue is isolated to some of your staff and this can be further investigated with the help our Product Support team.

    Once you are logged into your Business/ Enterprise account, you may submit a ticket by going on this page: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/requests/new 


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