

  • France

    Hi Susan, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Yes, you can definitely customize that email notification that is sent to signers as a reminder.

    To configure the email notification:

    1. In the right sidebar, under Email Notifications:
      • In Subject, type a description of the request (Here you can in the work "Reminder" for signers)
      • In Message, type instructions or other information for the recipient (you can even customize this section if you need to add more instructions)
      • To send automatic reminders, click Send automatic reminders then select the frequency with which Box will send reminders.
    2. Now set an optional expiration.

    To learn more on the Signing a document for signature, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404105810195-Sending-a-document-for-signature 


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  • Susan Alevy

    I'm sorry, but I don't see the Email Notifications option after the first letter is sent.  Can you please be more specific as to where I can find that once the initial letter has been sent?  Thanks!

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  • France

    Hi Susan, 

    You would have to customize the email notification before sending the document for sign to others.

    Here is how it looks like and you can enable the option "Send automatic reminders" and Box sends an automatic reminders to signers that have not signed yet:

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