"Updates" feed is discontinued, but there is no real alternative!
According to the announcement:
"Box will no longer support the Updates feature as of August 31, 2022... As an alternative to Updates, users can use Recents to access contents they recently interacted with. Additionally, User Events API provides the same dataset as Updates."
The problem is that box app (both windows and android) does not offer any good push notifications function, so we have to use updates to find out if there is any comment in shared files. "Recents" offer NO substitution of "Updates" at all! It is quite ironic and frustrating that box suggests "Recents" as an alternative... We can't continue to work on box shared folders if we have no idea to identify comments and/or edits on some shared files somewhere in shared folders... So, by discontinue "Updates" you destroy any ability to cooperate in Box.
Please reconsider this decision, or at least fix the push notifications system in the meantime. Right now, push does not work at all or does not work even fairly well (no notifications, or way way delayed notifications) even at repeated tagged comments. Additionally, even the "Inbox" feature in android app most of the times fails to show recent tagged comments!