Unable to download/open files with Box Drive app for Apple Macbook
On my MacBook Pro, I'm unable to open or download any files on the Box desktop app. For files that are already locally downloaded on my computer, I can still open; but for any files not already locally downloaded (which comprises the vast majority of files on my Box), the computer tries to download/open the file for a excessive period of time before finally failing to do so.
Additionally, I'm unable to move locally-stored files from one folder to another on the Box desktop app.
This is a serious detriment.
Tech. specifications:
- MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
- macOS Monterey - Version 12.4 (21F79)
- Box Drive: Version 2.26.348
FYI: this worked for me https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/7902542741651/comments/8238708372499
Can you try to quit Box Drive from you menu bar and then start the app again?