Specific Folders Not Uploading (Browser)




  • France

    Hi Jessica, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    I understand that you've encountered an issue when trying to upload folders. May we know what is the size of the folder that you tried uploading?

    I would also recommend going over this article for some best practices and troubleshooting tips when having issue uploading items to Box: Troubleshooting Uploads to Box 

    Let me know if you have questions!


    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • Jessica Justiniano

    I'm uploading multiple folders of various sizes with differing amounts of files and subfolders.

    I haven't noticed a pattern with what folders will upload and which folders are being left out, in relation to number of files or subfolders.

    The only other thing is that I'm moving everything from Sharepoint (via OneDrive on Windows) to Box. So everything has to download temporarily onto my computer to transfer to Box.

    I found a network drive that has most of *these particular* folders I'm archiving, and it's filling in the missing files.
    However, transferring directly from Sharepoint/OneDrive in the previous days hasn't had the same issue.

    I've tried clearing my browser cache, as well as doing disk cleanup on my desktop to clear space of any leftover temporary files, in case maybe it'sa space issue. But I don't think it is.

    I'm not sure why some things are transferring and some aren't.

    Here's an example:
    The first screenshot shows how 3 folders (highlighted) are missing from Box.
    The second screenshot shows the upload queue being unresponsive to trying to upload those 3 folders.


    コメントアクション パーマリンク
