

  • AJ

    Hi there,

    It looks like your Mac computer is running on M1 Chipset so therefore you need to install Rosetta, which is required for Box Drive to run.

    You can follow the full steps on installing Box Drive by following the instructions below:

    To install the Box Drive M1 public beta:

    1. Download and install Box Drive M1 public beta. 
    2. After you launch Box Drive, Box prompts you to install Rosetta, which is required for Drive to run.

    3. After installing Rosetta, click Continue.
    4. After Box Drive is installed, but before the login window displays, the system prompts you to enable the Box system extension.  Click  Open System Preferences.

    5. To make changes, click the unlock icon on the following screen, then click Enable system extensions.

    6. Because Drive uses kernel extensions, in order to use Drive on M1 devices, you need to boot into recovery mode and enable Reduced Security mode.   To do this, first click Shutdown.

    7. Follow the steps to boot into recovery mode.  

    8. Select Reduced Security with both sub-options selected.

    9. For the settings to take effect, restart your device. 

    10. Once your device reboots, re-launch Box Drive.
    11. Click Open System Preferences.

    12. To make changes, click the lock icon, then next to System software from developer "Box, Inc." has been updated, click Allow.

    13. For settings to take effect, Restart your device.

    14. After your device reboots, re-launch Box Drive.

    Please visit and read our support article about "Box Drive support on devices with M1 chips" for more information by clicking here.

    As per article it was announced Box drive fully supports apple silicon. “Fully supports apple silicon” https://blog.box.com/get-more-secure-seamless-box-drive-experience-across-macs


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  • Jon Reid

    I'm not sure how you continue to reconcile "need to install Rosetta, which is required for Box Drive to run" and "Box drive fully supports apple silicon".

    Rosetta is an emulation layer, to emulate an Intel-chip Mac computer.

    Anyway, I have no intention of reducing my computer's security in order to run Box. I will seek another solution.

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • Box User

    Glad to have found this thread. I also was having a difficult time understanding how Box could claim native apple silicon support but then confronting a Rosetta install. Shows I haven't totally lost it yet.

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